Regardless of past or current circumstances.
"This process is one of the most valuable tools I've learnt to know myself and transform deep-rooted limitations. The simplicity of it is extraordinary, so the true challenge is one of total honesty, facing what we've been avoiding, and finding the truth underneath our desires.
And beware: switching timelines [dreams] at will is just... f*cking amazing."
Teresa FL , Portugal
Reality is not fixed, it is malleable. And multiple realities / dreams coexist in potentiality. You are the Dreamer. The experience you live within is the Dream. Dreaming is HOW beliefs, ideas and inspirations become see-it-touch-it-taste-it reality, both wanted and unwanted. We are always dreaming. Becoming awake in our dreaming is how we change our lived experience.
Alchemy is not a fluffy spiritual word, it has a precise meaning: the understanding of how consciousness (The Above) relates to matter (The Below). And by extension, the understanding of how The Within is translated to The Without.
Following an alchemical process takes all the trying and wishing and hoping off the game board. Instead of learning strategies and rituals to try to coax different results from life, you become lucidly aware of how and why you are creating your current experience and engage the universal process of creation towards a genuinely desired and chosen experience instead, coming to know thyself ever more deeply along the way.
Alchemy holds the understanding that consciousness is the actuating cause - of everything - and that the reality we experience is the result of the consciousness we hold. Alchemy works with the cause of your experience rather than trying to mitigate the symptoms.
Your thoughts exist upstream of your results but downstream of consciousness. Mindset work is still trying to mitigate the symptoms rather than working with the cause. With diligent mindset work you get an A for effort and a D- for results. Do mindset work when you want the pat on the back for trying but don't really want anything to change.
A course lends itself to completing once and hoping the learning sticks - that is, if you even complete it. Inside our membership you will learn a process that you can apply to any life situation or health condition - and you do it on repeat, discovering more about yourself with every cycle. My ultimate agenda is, through repetition, to teach you this skillset so thoroughly that you know how to handle anything life throws at you and cumulatively create a human life for yourself that is deeply fulfilling, sovereign and freewill chosen.
To truly live your life - inside and out, at your own pace of evolution - and in consequence, (not by trying to), fulfil all your soul's promises for this lifetime at the level of impact that is yours to have, yours to do. I believe that individually and together we affect the balance of consciousness on the planet and therefore the Earth that our children and grandchildren inherit. And I propose that the most spiritual thing you can do with your human life is to fully manifest your heart and your soul into the 3D.
I want you to wake up on an ordinary Tuesday in the future noticing that every part of your life is freewill chosen and any challenges you face are in the accomplishment of your dreams.
This membership has been running since mid 2020 (as Galactic Underground) and has been co-evolved with keenly engaged members through several refinements and evolutions. DREAMING benefits from all the experience that has come before, and is the most simple, most powerful iteration yet, deceptively so.
You need to protect two hours each week to step back from your experience and engage with the guided process. This is time where you sit in the Director's chair of your life rather than being the actor on the stage. Additionally a few conscious minutes each day of awareness that becomes not, a thing to do but a way of approaching life. You will also find yourself organically taking action as synchronicities begin to guide your choices and you engage with the art of living.
Yes. From the moment you decide and commit, change starts to happen. The more you engage, the more you will collapse time-to-results. Change happens first on the inner planes (As Within) and then in your outer reality, (So Without). The pace and timing of that change is up to you. [Read Marieke's testimonial below].
There is a live workshop every week that facilitates an evolution - expansion of your consciousness.
In some parts of the workshops I hot-seat two volunteers while everyone else on the call engages privately. In other parts there is the opportunity for more interaction.
Local and international friendships have formed organically from participation in the live calls.
We alternate monthly between Australia-Europe timing and Australia-USA timing, so your timezone has an "on" month of workshopping your materia and then an "off" month to actively ripen your creation.
You can join any time of the year and "start" where you're at with the recorded content, then join the "live" rhythm when it suits you.
The recording is uploaded to your members' area for you to engage with in your own timing. It's just as powerful as attending live, so I'm told. Doing the process on your own, as needed is the ultimate goal. It's great to have you live, especially while you're getting the hang of it, but it's not requisite.
You have a login to a members' area that you can access on desktop or mobile. The content is laid out in a simple sequential flow.
I open each workshop 15mins early to hang out and ask questions. You can also ask questions in the community forum.
Attend live if you can and come 15 mins early for the hang / Q time. Engage in the community threads and connect with other members via private chat when there is mutual resonance.
My groups tend to be collections of lone wolves lol. Engage as much or as little as you like, just be sure you engage with the process and get what you need.
Membership is USD $1250 annually, paid annually, quarterly or monthly as suits you. This gives you access to the DREAMING content, community, members only blog posts, a forum to ask questions and a special members' price on 1:1 sessions.
DREAMING is an intentional space to follow your YES, own your choices and own your life. The membership is annual to encourage commitment to self. Please only join if you have an inner yes and then use the space, use the tools to cause movement in your life in meaningful ways. If you're not sure, come join a 2 day workshop first to get a taste of the work.
Every month in DREAMING is a chance to depart from your familiar patterns and evolve new possibility from the inside out.
You'll be learning the art of directing the flow of your life: This is now, what else is possible? Where to from here?
It's the same alchemical process - no matter where you apply it, more is revealed. With repetition you start to know what to do, you spot your blind spots and get curious about them, you develop the art of living.
So no, you can't commit and then back out, but if that is a pattern of yours you can explore it inside the membership. When your renewal is due you can decide whether to continue and your log-in gives you control over that.
Of course, if life throws you a curve ball you can reach out to me, but life's curve balls are the times to lean into alchemy more, not less.
This membership grows primarily by invitation and referral. That's how we get such great people - each member is the discerning gateway through which new members join. When your friend joins you get half an hour of private 1:1 with me to use anytime as my thankyou, and you can stack your time: 3 friends = 90 minutes = a private session on any issue / creation you want to focus on.
Yes, when needed - though mostly you don't!
Her work is at once profoundly impactful and exquisitely soft and gentle."
Dr. Baback Amen
"We worked some amazing alchemy on yesterday's call. My dilemma dissolved overnight. I had to play with the universe more and experience the joy that surrounds us always. I am so grateful for this group and particularly Giselle. We all have this knowledge deep inside us, but it takes someone special to draw it out for our own and humanity's benefit."
"I started our call feeling so heavy, and half an hour later, I'm laughing. I'm laughing because the alchemy makes it so simple and so obvious why I experience all this anxiety."
"After years of doing the "self-development actions" but not getting long term results, Giselle's unique process masters the art of aligning our energy like a dart to the bullseye, but without all the struggle and resistance."
Claire M
"I was drawn to Giselle and the way she teaches this Alchemical Process because it feels deep and magical and potentially life changing. I have participated in the first three acts of the process and already have gained so much personal power. Giselle is a giving, supportive and insightful guide. I feel like I have been able to tap into what is truly holding me back from what I want, its an amazing feeling to get there so quickly and feel myself evolving over the weeks between each meeting.
Update - week 4 : I just did the DREAM meditation and I was so happy when I got to place my left palm over my right palm, I thought hell yes! Leaving that old life behind. Thank you Giselle! This has been an exciting process for me this month."
It’s been amazing to see how she truly knows the dimensions of consciousness, their relationship to matter, and therefore to our direct experience and its levels.
The group sessions are incredible, it is as though we are all aligned in similar ways and sharing it through reflecting on our individual lives. With that being said, even in group it is still a very personal experience with my self.
The way I get to learn of the patternings that guide my life, and then cultivate sovereign power to join that with something Higher, has been a priceless gift.
"It's like working with the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella. Our highest self - the Godmother, knows what is best for us to get ahead, and all we need to do is trust and listen. Giselle is like the magic wand, helping us to see the possible and bring it into reality. Yes, we still need to collect the pumpkins and the mice, but because they are part of the bigger plan, they are easy enough to do. If you are ready to have a Cinderella transformation... Just be prepared for the fantasy to become real."
Leah Marshall
Author of What the Mind Sees, the Body Feels, Creates and Attracts
"I'm in awe how much we get to co-create with our desires, in awe that life is designed that way. You can't control it, but you can work WITH it."
"No matter the obstacle or challenge, Giselle has a magical way of transmuting a block into a possibility with just a few words."
Claire H
"Highest timeline... I don't just like it, I love it. I can't hold it, I must express it, I can't suppress it!"
"The shared field makes me feel that my spiritual well-being is being amplified by a group of like-minded souls, often without me knowing it. I have more ease and less anxiety in life. This group was my sanity during the worst of the lockdowns.”
"Listening to the recordings, I've become aware of so many deep seated ideas that I'm consciously calling bullshit on. With this awareness I am changing what I'm available for and how I show up. There is freedom here, and new raw, open hearted honesty in my relationship.”
"When I started with this group I was a long way from my purpose - and I remember talking about my desire to be the writer I always thought I could be. I've now sent the second draft of my full novel manuscript to an editor - he praised my work highly and will help me get it published. I want to thank that shared field of energy we create. It opened me to channelling the work through."
Life is like that too.
Waking up from the collective sleep is not one and done.
Once we start to wake up, we wake up more and more and more as we realise the spells we’ve been under and how we have given our power away.
DREAMING is for people who recognise the patterns in their experience, and want to change them, even if you don’t know what to do, and especially if you’ve already tried really, really hard to overcome them.
It’s for those who are committed to creating the life they want to live - without all the ra ra - just a straight up following of heart and soul all the way to fulfilment.
What is it you want to create?
It’s not all about the broken bits of your life. Fundamentally it’s "Here I am, where to from here?" and fulfilling all the deep inborn desires that are the music of your inner world.
If you’re done with throwing spiritual spaghetti at the wall and the word alchemy stirs something ancient inside you… I invite you to follow your knowing and DREAM again.
What you get
A membership space where your brilliance and your vulnerable humanity are both held and nurtured unconditionally.
A monthly process to evolve your life from inner yes to outer reality - built on the foundation of alchemy.
A growing community of the best people on Earth.
Yourself. You get to know thyself.
Your life. You get agency in your own life.