DREAMER awakens the inner understanding that you really are the Dreamer of your Dream - and gently shifts your experience of reality.
HALF PRICE until Release on March Equinox 2025
Use code DREAMER50 at checkout
The closer we are to Nature, the more alive, awake and alert we are. The more we live in the artificial world, the duller and more distorted our perceptions become. DREAMER meets you where you are at and helps you come alive from the inside out.
Literally increase light in your body.
Work consciously with quantum entanglement.
Create the conditions for thriving in your subconscious mind and nervous system.
Attune to your authentic yes so you know which synchronicities to follow.
"The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it free, it will defend itself."
When you see beyond the distorted perspectives that run your life, do you know what you see? The truth that has always been there, hidden in plain sight.
The truth is,
Your body knows how to be healthy and in balance. You’ve just let modern life and what you think you have to do interfere with your birthright of wellbeing and vitality.
The truth is,
Abundance is your natural state, you’ve just been conditioned to artificial notions of unworthiness and scarcity.
The truth is,
Love is your true nature, you’ve just been schooled to believe it’s "out there" in other people, that it must be earned and can be taken away from you.
The truth is,
Your soul has very clear intentions for this lifetime and even this very moment you are quantum entangled with your full realisation, you’ve just been trying too hard and focussing on the wrong things.
The truth is,
As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without. It is Law, Natural Law. If it exists "inside" of you then it exists "outside" of you. Whatever is alive in you is yours to have, yours to do.
The truth is,
Simple. And it feels different in your body. Once you see it, you can’t un-see it. Truth sets you free and you will never want to go back.
The truth is.
Everything just IS. All meaning is self made.
Truth makes the impossible, possible again.
Discover what is possible for you when you remove the veils and gently awaken your essence.
Her work is at once profoundly impactful and exquisitely soft and gentle."
Dr. Baback Amen , Physician at the Interface of Science and Mysticism
People who require high drama to validate their existence will not appreciate this work. People who yearn for freedom and nervous system peace will thrive here.
As Above, So Below - aligning with your true Nature starts with your body and the right use of your mind.
Touch each of your important life areas and layer well-being into the fabric of your inner world, so you feel moved to express it in your outer world.
Your Human Design type, strategy and authority validate the choices you might otherwise deny yourself. You are encouraged to lean into your authentic YES and follow the unfolding path.
I'm not big on rules and rituals but working with mind and body we lay a foundation of simple rhythm and structure you can embellish as much or as little as you like.
Your body as temple, your mind as alter, your life as ceremony - without the usual degrees of separation between spirituality and physicality.
You will have 8 similar but differently focused guided audios that touch important life areas, layering well-being into your foundational perspectives. All parts of your mind are engaged - conscious, subconscious and superconscious - as you become the Dreamer of your own Dream and begin taking aligned action.
Human Design doesn't tell you what you are, it validates what you've always known about yourself and perhaps judged as wrong because it wasn't validated by the people around you.
We have different ways of operating geniusly in the world and different ways of tuning to our authentic yes that leads us towards thriving. The mind has its important place but your body holds your compass.
Through repetition this audio familiarises you with your way and gives you a personal experiential structure you can deepen into.
Your morning practice starts as you transition to waking from sleep, and then requires 10-15 pleasant minutes of your morning.
The guided process will take about an hour, including your writing / reflection time.
I recommend you do the guided process once a week, selecting your life focus intuitively.
The type / strategy / authority audio will be 10 minutes ~ish, listen to as desired.
And then there will be action taking - simple, doable, obvious next steps that are the promises you will keep to yourself as you enter into your own expanding experience.
No, this one is just between you and you while my voice and the audios hold the structure and the space for your wisdom to reveal.
You will have a forum related to DREAMER in the members area though where you can comment, ask questions and interact with other Dreamers...
My download for this program is really clear and I am fixing it into form - writing, recording and formatting.
I will email you every week or 10 days with updates and in that time I'd love to hear from you about what you want / need. Your expressed desires will no doubt influence the content as I write and record it.
And receive the full value for half the price as my thanks for your trust and enthusiasm. USD / AUD / GBP / EUR.
Full pay and 3, 6, 12 instalment plans all respond to the discount code DREAMER50.