Learning Alchemy





October 4th, 2018

I was travelling to Brisbane to do a weekend workshop on Alchemy with Avery Hopkins. This was a year since my first exposure to alchemy and ten months since I began working with Oil of Gold.

A few weeks earlier, our mutual friend Kylie Slavik had messaged me to say he was teaching in Australia soon. It was beyond question, I knew instantly I HAD to be there… but I was broke.

A textbook alchemist archetype

I am a textbook Alchemist archetype. I have zero problem investing $10K in something I want, provided I can lay my hands on it. If I say I’m broke it means I’ve already raided the couch cushions for lost coins to buy milk.

At this juncture I was studying RTT online, in prep for the live in-person with Marisa Peer in November ($12K investment, that I didn't have... another story...) and I was engaging in a daily practice of my own devising that was really powerful.

Quietly doing my own thing

I was in an inward phase and could easily have indulged it longer, but not at the expense of missing the opportunity to be in person with Avery. My name was written in flashing neon over this one.

So I asked myself, what have I got RIGHT NOW that would be of value to others?

With Marisa Peer I was learning that the three root causes of all our struggles are:
1. Not belonging.
2. Not worthy / good enough and
3. Something isn’t available to me.

Since everyone who was drawn to me was an old soul with slightly more complex versions of the usual human problems, I nuanced those three categories into:
1. Connection to Source.
2. Worthiness and Access and
3. Love

...and created a program around it that had a daily dance and embodiment practice, a weekly explore in hypnosis and a hypnosis audio to go to sleep to. 

"I'm doing a thing"

When I had the content outlined I posted on Facebook, "hey I’m doing a thing…" attached a ridiculously low price to it (I think it was $150 for the 2 months) and invited anyone who was interested to get in touch.

21 women responded and paid me. 

It was enough to pay Avery his fee for the weekend, my travel, my accommodation, my food and my expenses at home. All that was left to do was show up. 

Living into the choices

I created a fb group to interact in, started us with a slow get-settled-in week and surveyed these beautiful women from Australia, Europe and America to get their words on their struggles and desires.

From my awareness I created the hypnotic inquiry experiences. From their answers I created the hypnosis audios that whispered their heart’s desires back to them while they slept. 

During the get-settled-in week I flew to Brisbane for the weekend of studying alchemy that definitively changed the course of my life. And so from the very first hypno audio, alchemy was structured into the reality pictures their subconscious minds were receiving. 

I literally made it up week by week as we went, doing a live, recording a workshop, recording an evening audio… flying by the seat of my pants but ultra present to what was wanted and needed all the way. 

Thus was born my first signature program, The Lioness Way of Bliss.

"Drinking freedom through a firehose"

It knocked all our socks off in the best way, "like drinking freedom through a fire hose" as one participant put it. 

It wasn’t perfect. The raw version got refined over time. But I shared what I had in response to need and the result was magic.

My 3D obstacles to studying alchemy in Brisbane vaporised. And while I was not yet the person who could sustain the level of flow that happened, these unstoppable surges of magic are peppered through my experience. 

They have one thing in common - an ABSOLUTE decision. 

Every time I have had that level of synchronicity and magic, the end result has been NON-NEGOTIABLE from the depths of my soul. "Maybe" has never cut the magic mustard.

Without even realising it, I had lived what I was going to learn - Alchemy, the Law of 3, the relationship between consciousness and manifested reality. 

October 6th, 2018

Those two days by the river at the Brisbane Powerhouse constituted the beginning of an alchemy apprenticeship for all who attended.
As I hugged Avery goodbye, I said, "I don't know how, but I will come to Taos to study more with you."

And it's hard for me to even piece together the story of how that happened. It's a bit of a blur. Oil of Gold was involved. Oil of Platinum too. But the truth is I chose... and it happened.

On December 30th I was at my grandfather's bedside, midwifing him into the next world.

February 19th I was collecting my priority passport, not having been overseas for 28yrs...

And two days later hugging my children goodbye, flying first to London to attend Marisa Peer's conference and hang out with my bestie... then to the mountains of New Mexico, country of my ancestors, to study alchemy in the lab with the extraordinary people gathered there.

March equinox, 2019

Alchemy lab Taos

You can't know the truth, you can only experience the truth

"You can't know the truth, you can only experience the truth," was the first thing Avery said after
"Don't take my word for it."

Learning alchemy with my head gave me an incredible lens to understand my past experiences.
It gave me language to describe a knowing that was in me that I had never been able to articulate with such clarity.

But I only understood what I was being taught because I had already lived it.
And it was just the next beginning.