as within, so without

Dissolve the spells that bind you in a fixed experience of reality - and fix into form the life that is uniquely yours to create and live.

DDD + symbols

 Humans are always "DREAMING" 3D reality into being.

As the "DREAMER" you have an innate ability to influence the "DREAM" of your own life.

But the knowledge of HOW has been kept from humanity... Until now.

Alchemy is returning to the world, and the desire to remember our true nature is waking up.

focus on what you are creating

Dream (cause) a new experience - regardless of your past or current circumstances. 



Bring any life situation or unrealised desire you want clarity and movement on

learn more

free bingeable audio series.

From idea to thing...

~ How consciousness becomes manifest

through human agency ~ 




have a low commitment experience

Dreamer Dreaming Weekend Workshops.

Have a powerful taste of the work and get movement in something you care about.

in 2 x 3hr sessions.




enrol in a self-study program

DREAMER awakens the inner understanding that you really are the Dreamer of your Dream and gently shifts your experience of reality.




do the work with live guidance

DREAMING membership carries you through active change, one life focus at a time.




transform your most impossible life experience

This Way True Love Lies... an immersive, life changing experience of squaring the circle and dissolving separation.

Highly personalised. 5 participants per group.




work  1:1

Single sessions, bespoke containers and project consultancy.

 Actively align with the best of all the possible outcomes, the best unfolding from this point forwards.




perception is not reality

Because of [x], now I can’t [y].

What’s your impossible thing?

What if your problem is not something to fix but an invitation to see more truth, feel more love, act more powerfully and live more freely?

"something else is always possible"

White Lione Alchemy

"If there's one thing I've learned working with you it's that something else is always possible, even if I don't know what it is. Our sessions are the most powerful, reality shifting meetings I have ever been in, aligning with the divine, doing the work, being who we are created to be. And it's so fun."

(Member of Dreaming, Graduate of the Alchemy Intensive)

The power over your life is, and always has been inside you, not "out there" in other people and circumstances.

Are you ready to know that?

We are all dreaming, all the time, but some people choose to wake up inside their dream to become lucid stewards of their own experience. 
We see what we expect to see

I have read literary works where a character possesses a looking stone - a pebble with a natural hole bored through it by which there bearer can perceive the truth through a glamour.  In my favourite mention of a looking stone, the heroine sees the beautiful fruits and sweetmeats arrayed on a market table are actually bowls of bugs and rotting debris purveyed by tricksters - and hastily protects her companions from the spell they are falling under. 

We all see what we want to see, expect to see, have been conditioned to see...

It takes a particular kind of mind to be curious to penetrate the glamour, and just see what IS, as it is...

But that very curiosity will lead you to live into and beyond your imagination. 
Alchemy - the understanding of how consciousness relates to matter - pulls away the veils over our perception.

ANY LIFE EXPERIENCE you are having can be purified and evolved through applying alchemy and entering into a conversation with your reality.

It’s like having a looking stone that helps you make clearer decisions about your life, 

It’s very simple:
greater awareness + different actions

You can come to alchemy because you want to “fix” a problem,  get past “a block” or create a badly wanted result that seems impossible from your current standpoint.

But when you apply the process, what you come away with is a new understanding of your own role in the reality you’ve been experiencing / trapped in.  Not head understanding but that deeper felt-lived understanding that stays with you as the power to create change.

You can come to alchemy with an adversarial perception of life. 

But rather than learning how to overcome your circumstances, you attune yourself to a different signal - one where you notice Life is cooperating and conspiring with you in every moment to create the reality your mind and heart are focused on.

You can come to alchemy as a victim of life full of judgement. Good. Bad. Right. Wrong. Should. Shouldn’t.

But in the process your Mind opens to the ISness of everything, your heart to the unconditional love that is translating consciousness into reality impartially and faithfully - so that you can perceive it and work with it.

You can come to alchemy with a deep grief about your life that you can’t resolve.

And in the process your heart becomes aware of the love and presence that is here all the time.

You can come to alchemy fearful of the physical realm - at home in the spiritual and the astral and believing in abundance - but struggling in material ways and exhausted in body and mind. 

In the process of doing alchemy, you gradually and cumulatively understand what it says on the Emerald Tablet - that The Above and The Below, two seemingly separate things, are actually The One Thing - and that manifesting the fullness of your being into the physical realm is the most spiritual, engaging and satisfying thing you could possibly accomplish.

It is magical and exciting to create something (visible realm) from no-thing (invisible realm) and watch it concretise (come together).

You can come to alchemy looking outside of yourself for guidance in your decision-making, whether that be in the approval and authority of others or perceived signs from "the Universe."

But in the process of doing alchemy you become internally referenced in your decision making. When you look “out” it’s with a different eye. You become an impartial observer, less reactive, more present and aware. You become more focused on where you are going than where you have been, homing to an inner sense of Yes for each choice.

As Above, So Below
As Within, So Without
You can’t know the truth, you can only experience the truth…

In doing alchemy you close the gap of separation between what resonates as truthful in your inner world and what you are experiencing in your outer reality. 

At the pace you are ready to evolve, your projections and misperceptions reveal to you, and you come to know thyself far beyond your current idea of who you are.

Your perception of the world changes as your perception of self changes.

And that is why This Way True Love Lies…

You look back at the person you were who came to alchemy to fix a problem, clear a block, create a badly wanted result….

You look at what you are creating for yourself and your loved ones now and what you know is lining up in the future if you continue…

You feel the difference in your nervous system, meeting Life with an open palm rather than white knuckles or a clenched fist…

And there is love and gratitude for the self who answered alchemy’s call.

You come to alchemy needing reassurance, safety and an answer…

And you come away with curiosity, lit up by adventure and motivated by the question.

Is it hard? 

No.  If you’re habituated to the drama of trying, struggling, overthinking and over-compensating, the simplicity takes some unlearning and getting used to, but it’s worth it.

Reality has a structure, and what doing alchemy boils down to is awareness coupled with appropriate action. 

Impossible is a perception.

"Healing" and "fulfilling your soul's mission" are secondary consequences of fully embracing your human experience, living your true nature and actualising your heart's deep, hidden desires.

You have everything you need.

Nature is your Teacher.

Your Mind is your ally.

Your Heart is your compass.

Your Body is your vehicle.

Your Soul is your creative director.

Your Will is your agency.

And Life is your partner.

I’m happy to be your guide, but I’m only holding your hand while you get the hang of what you deep down already know in the library of your soul, is your birthright.

I’ll show you how to use the rich gifts of Mind, Heart, Body, Soul & Will you were born with.

What you do with that bounty is up to you. 

If you are connected to a reality not-yet-realised, done with "trying" and ready to take unconditional responsibility for your life, lean in.

If that’s not you - if you want to stay in your familiar story with your familiar limits believing it's real - cover your eyes, put your fingers in your ears, sing lalalalalala and RUN!

you're at a choice point

One path is a repeat of the past. The other holds the potential of the future.

I have mapped this experience with scores of beautiful humans like you, over hundreds of real life situations where overthinking and trying too hard has them tangled like kittens in wool. 

In response, I have crafted spaces that help you to: 

1) see clearly that which is confusing you,

2) retrieve your lost personal power, and

3) take the actions that lead to your inner world freedom and outer world fulfilment. 

The truth is always hidden in plain sight.

Your current reality does not need to be fixed, rejected or denied, only observed with fresh eyes - it is the gateway.

What people are saying

White Lione Alchemy
Jon Gabriel - Best-selling author of The Gabriel Method, New Zealand

“I've been working with Giselle for a few weeks now and the shifts I'm experiencing in my life are nothing short of profound. Giselle uses her intuition, knowledge and spiritual gifts in a powerful, healing and life changing way. I recommend her and her work highly. I am so grateful she has chosen to share her gifts with the world!”

Best-selling author of The Gabriel Method, New Zealand

White Lione Alchemy
Elle Watson - Chairwoman of ONE. Congo

“Giselle, is in two words, a god send. Imagine a spiritual support service on speed dial that can tap into you and your individual needs from anywhere in the world. Giselle’s capability to reach the deepest aspects of self that are generally unseen to the beholder, is like nothing I have ever experienced before. The work with Giselle runs deep and utterly transformational. She took me on a journey of clearing extremely deep wounds and traumas that were holding me back from reaching my truest potential and stepping into my dharma! If you are serious about taking your life to a whole new level and honouring the truest expansion of self, Giselle is your go to partner in spirit! ✨”

Chairwoman of ONE. Congo

White Lione Alchemy
Marina S. - Theta Healer & Mentor, Portugal

“Working with Giselle is always incredibly powerful and transformative. In the last session she helped me to deal with the heaviest and most traumatic events of my entire life. In a matter of 90 minutes, we achieved the incredible lightness I had been yearning for months. And immediately after the session the flow of events started drastically changing in accordance with what we programmed for me - as if we changed the timeline instantly. Wow! And the very next day, I can see the immediate changes of how I carry myself and keep my power when interacting with a person who was cruel to me during that time.”

Theta Healer & Mentor, Portugal

White Lione Alchemy
Libby Lia Drish - Relationship Coach for Entrepreneurs, USA

“Giselle holds a chair at the planet's table of rare and powerful healers. In just two weeks of working with her, I resolved a mysterious chronic health issue that I had been actively trying to heal for years with other healers, therapists, retreats, and many thousands of dollars in mainstream and alternative therapies.
She knows both science (trained naturopath), spirit (just look into her eyes) and magic (complete alchemist). She embodies the energy of the great mother and generously gives it to all her clients. She is the real deal.”

Relationship Coach for Entrepreneurs, USA

White Lione Alchemy
Bella Vita - Musician, Byron Bay Australia

“Giselle is a true mystic and guide with not only the tools, but also the laser vision and All-seeing heart. She will show you the way through chaos, and then skilfully midwife you into your next evolutionary version of Self.”

Musician, Byron Bay Australia

White Lione Alchemy
Johnny B. Singh - Transformational guide and catalyst. London, UK.

“Being the one usually facilitating transformative experiences for others, it's not only a treat to be guided by Giselle but also a privilege because, 1) Giselle has a intriguing toolbox of powerful methods and techniques to weed out unwanted patterns and unhelpful beliefs, and 2) Giselle's mastery of these make the experience feel almost effortless, deceptively so, because her art goes deep and swiftly cuts through like a razor-sharp, and very loving, sword. My experience of working with Giselle has been revelatory, uplifting and empowering and, intriguingly, it's my sense that [in this workshop setting] she has only scratched the surface of what is possible working more closely with her.”

Transformational guide and catalyst. London, UK.

White Lione Alchemy
Adrian Nelson - Utopia Creative, Byron Bay Australia

“I have great pleasure in recommending Giselle as a mentor, teacher, and healer. I have had the privilege of knowing her for over 20 years. Giselle is a rarity, her commitment to creating balance and harmony in all aspects of life is unparalleled. She has a heart of gold and her attention to detail is simply remarkable.

I have been fortunate enough to benefit from her skills, guidance and support in both my personal and professional life. Her wisdom, intuition, and expertise have been invaluable to me, and I am constantly inspired by her unwavering passion for helping others.

If you are seeking a mentor, teacher, or healer, I can confidently say that Giselle is one of the best. Her compassion, insight, and dedication make her a true master in her field.”

Utopia Creative, Byron Bay Australia

White Lione Alchemy
MJ - grandmother

“Its been a few weeks since we met and my life has changed dramatically! I’m not sure what magic you do, but you are amazing and I honestly never expected to have the results that I have experienced. The hives have calmed down while the creativity is knocked out of the ball park. I have painted, danced, wrote several songs with my 5 year old granddaughter, made jewellery, walked into a store and ended up helping others put outfits together, and today I’m singing (which I’ve never done before) at my granddaughter’s 15 year old birthday! I’m so stressed and nervous yet I know there is no way I can not do this. I love you so very much and can’t even find the words to express how grateful I am that my life is changing. Its like a heavy curtain has lifted. Hugs. ”


Unsolicited transmission via a friend I had been out of touch with since 2018, passing on the message that I am "making a big difference":

Andromedan elder:

"Your particular frequency is quite unique [sic]. With it you are able to pierce illusions and delusions whether they be personal, matrix or implanted. Never underestimate the power of focused intent. Yours is great, as is the hub of 'reality' you have both awakened and crafted amongst your kind."

"Yes, there are sleepers and they will stay asleep until the inner scream overwhelms... and there are many who are seeing the manipulations now for exactly what they are. Within the context of 'what can I do about it?' is where many stumble."

"Align with Truth, choose Truth, recalibrate unto Truth - pure God Source of All Light Truth. The veils will dissolve fast once this freewill choice is truly made and embodied daily."

"We honour you Wise One. Keep sharing, keep Being There. The 'truly ready ones' will find you."


                                                                                                                    - via Kassey. April 15, 2022